In Sculpture Park, kids will learn about the Names of Jesus surrounding His life during his ministry. They will explore not only the meaning of each name but also how that name makes a difference in their own life. Through fun sculpture-type activities, investigating real artists and their work, Sculpt It game, extreme art object lessons, Bible stories and the ongoing dialogue between Francois and Frank, kids will walk away with a deeper understanding of names Jesus was called while He walked on this earth.
Each Lesson contains:
Preparation: Gathering the tools to learn about the name
Guess the Sculpture
Francois and Frank
Sculpt It
Forming the Verse
The Work: Learning what God says about the name
Bible Story
Famous Sculptor
Extreme Sculpting
Display: Imagining ways to apply what God says.
Sculpture Studio
Bible Memory
Express Yourself
The Gallery Cards
Family Guide
Format: Download. Includes Powerpoint